Friday, November 5, 2010

Euro Round-Up

How about this for a DIY track? It looks like something out of 1950s Mid-West. Here is the round-up from Jan-Willem about the European flat track series and the All-American Twins season.

Team ZAETA can look back on a great season with the all new, Italian built dirt track machine, winning four of the nine rounds! The Zaeta is a full blood flat track racer based on the latest generation of framers, before they were banned from the GNC Championship in the US.
The final round of the International Mefo Sport Flattrack Cup 2010 was relocated to the natural soil dirt track in Pasohlavky, just south of Brno in the Czech Republic, after Blijham was cancelled due to excessive rain damaging the track.
Jan-Willem Jansen was crowned first All American Twins Champion! The Jansen brothers were tied for points, but unfortunately Mick Jansen was racing on a borrowed bike, with which he was unable to pose a real threat to Jan-Willem Jansen. Tom van Nes saw his consistent performance rewarded with third place overall!

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